I would like to share some links to resources that I have found on the internet. These are all things that I have come across on my narrow view of the world wide web, primarily focused on anti-racist resources for white people - if you see something that you disagree with, or know of something I should add, please reach out!
Templates and info for contacting city officials about the budget - google doc
PHL City Council and Mayor Contact Info - google doc
No to Zero For the Arts - website with resources about supporting an arts budget in Philly
Scaffolded Anti-Racist Resources - google doc
Anti-racism resources - google doc for white people. Includes articles, videos, podcasts, etc etc
Black Created / Black Owned Businesses, Creatives, and Resources - google doc made by a black Philly woman
Instagram post about Philly resources
National Resource List Linktree
Anti-Racism Required Reading - a google drive folder of PDFs.
Study Group Readings - For white folks in the arts, a google drive folder of PDFs
Catalyst Project Recommended Readings - anti-racist training program with reading list
Isaac Scott in the New Yorker! Tyler Ceramics grad turned photographer. Yea Isaac!
PUBLIC PEDAGOGY: shared syllabi from college art teachers, for college art teachers - google doc
Teaching social justice and anti-racism at every age instagram post
Tips for decolonizing your art syllabus instagram post
Building Power, Sustaining Community - google doc list of places to donate in Philly
Philly Volunteer Opportunity List - google doc
Black Lives Matter Youtube videos - a way to donate to the movement without money. I believe there are multiple videos, I just searched Black Lives Matter Donate. I have no idea how you tell how legit they are. I’m watching some while I make this post!
Philly Orgs to Donate to:
(I compiled this list from recommendations by Philadelphia Bail Fund on Twitter)
Amistad Law Project https://amistadlaw.org/donate
Frontline Dads http://www.frontlinedads.org/
Philly Lawyers for Social Equity https://www.paypal.me/plsephilly
Youth Art and Self Empowerment project http://www.yasproject.com/
Philly REAL Justice http://phillyrealjustice.com/contribute
BLM Philly http://www.blmphilly.com/donate/
Black and Brown Workers Collective http://blackandbrownworkerscoop.org/
Black trans femmes in the arts collective $btfacollective
Decarcerate PA https://wiki.decarceratepa.info/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=4
Movement Alliance https://movementalliance.org/donate/
Reclaim Philadelphia https://secure.actblue.com/donate/reclaim-philadelphia-1
Abolitionist Law Center https://abolitionistlawcenter.z2systems.com/np/clients/abolitionistlawcenter/donation.jsp
Power Interfaith cashapp $POWERInterfaith
Vamos Juntos https://secure.actblue.com/donate/vamosjuntos
Youth Sentencing Reentry Project https://ysrp.org/support-us/
Philly Community Bail Fund https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/PhiladelphiaCommunityBailfund/general